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everlong wod & blogs

10/3 WOD

Clean & Jerk 5 x (1+1) w small increases 1 x1 @ 75% 3 x1 @ 80% 2 x (2+2) @ 70% AMRAP - 18 Minutes 15/12 Calorie Row 10 Pike / Handstand...

10/2 WOD

Squat Snatch or Snatch Balance 1 x 3 1 x 2 3 x 2 *Small increases each set For Time 50-25 Box Jumps or Dumbbell Step-ups Alternating...

10/1 WOD

Strict Press 6 x 5 @ 65-70% 2 Minutes Rest between sets Then Seated Arnold Press 4x10 In Teams of Two AMRAP - 14 Minutes Person A - 50...

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