1/7 WODJan 6, 20221 min readFRIDAY CHIPPERBig Block Run 100 - Kettlebell Swings 90 - Double-unders 80 - Alternating Dumbell Clean and Jerk 70 - Wall Balls 60 - Hand Release Push-ups 50 - Toes-to-bar 40 - Mountain Climbers 30 - Cal Bike 20 - Box Jumps 10 - Burpees Over Box
FRIDAY CHIPPERBig Block Run 100 - Kettlebell Swings 90 - Double-unders 80 - Alternating Dumbell Clean and Jerk 70 - Wall Balls 60 - Hand Release Push-ups 50 - Toes-to-bar 40 - Mountain Climbers 30 - Cal Bike 20 - Box Jumps 10 - Burpees Over Box
1/14 WODFor Time: 2000/1600 Meter Row 150 Double Unders 10 Rounds of “Cindy 1 Round of “Cindy" 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats
1/13 WODEMOM - 30 Minutes Minute #1 - Burpees to Bar Minute #2 - Deadlifts (95/75) Minute #3 - Alternating Leg Lifts Minute #4 - Battle Ropes...
1/12 WODFront Squat - Kettlebells 5x5 @ 70% - 1 Rep Max 2-3 Minutes Rest Between Sets 5 Rounds - Not For Time 6 Tempo Pull-ups 100 Meter Barbell...