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9/20 WOD

Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds

10 Push Press (115/75) (75/55)

15 Push-ups

20 Box Jump Overs

After the last round DIRECTLY into

50 V-ups


Dumbbell Z-press


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7/25 WOD

Super Set the following Dumbbell RDL 5x8 Barbell Lunge (45/35) 5x8/8 Then 5 Rounds 4 Minutes Work / 1 Minute Rest 18/15 Cal Row 8 Burpees Max Hang Power Cleans with time remaining @ 50% 1-Rep Then Tab

7/24 WOD

Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 6x(1+1) Then Snatch Pull 5x3 (Moderate to heavy) Then EMOM 20 Minutes #1 100 Meter Run #2 6 Power Snatches (75/45)

125 E Santa Clara Street
Arcadia, CA 91006 

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